Character Animation
At Big Paw Animation we offer character animation in a range of styles to suit your business or project. You may have an existing character in your branding that you wish to bring to life or maybe you would like us to conceive a character from the magic of our paper and pencils. Big Paw animation can work with you on a range of character animation projects.
First step is to narrow down your target audience and market so we can have a ‘brainstorming’ session for suitable ideas and concepts. Once we have established the main aim of the character we can put pencil to paper and create concept designs. Typically we create 3 concept model sheets for each character. At Big Paw we think they are an important visual aid for our clients to give feedback on.
Character model sheets and sketches are such an important part of the planning process.
Once we have an agreed design and signed off model sheet we can apply the style required. If its 2D we will get out our graphics tablet and artwork the character into a digital format ready to be animated. If you require a 3D character we need to model the character in 3D and rig them up for animation. (‘Rigging’ means adding in a skeleton, joints etc to make them move naturally)